All about D'desired GiRLs,,,

Rabu, 10 Agustus 2011

Tonight Tonight Tonight...!!!

Hii Hii Hii,, berasa bukan puasa., biasanya setiap hari dapet broadcast event sampe-sampe bosen tapi kalo bukan karena kerjaan camiku uda pasti sewott...

But it's not about that,, Hufttt...
Masalah yang paling takut muncul sekarang beneran muncul, akhir dari proyek end off my carrier too :(
But honestly I wait for this moment but not the end like this..

I hope everything will be fine, just as when first we are all committed to running this business
experience that I'll never forget is to have such a team now, very unfortunate if we had to part but things are really difficult for us to work together ..

maybe if God give us the opportunity to work together again I'm sure everyone can run well because all we have ever experienced :)

only God knows,,